Tuesday, April 9, 2013

History of augmented reality (AR)

The idea of the augmented reality (AR) was mentioned for the first time in the texts of author L. Frank Baum in 1901. L. Frank Baum mentions for the first time the idea of an electronic display or spectacles that overlay data onto real life. L. Frank Baum names this as a "character marker". For more than 50 years augmented reality was only a fictional element but 1957 cinematographer Morton Heilig got patent to his simulator called Sensorama. Before 1990's augmented reality solutions were mainly prototypes of individual developers and scientists. In 1990's more advanced computing enabled more sophisticated and practical augmented reality solutions and this development has continued with growth in the new millenium. Today we see many augmented reality softwares, techical devices and cyberspaces. The most well known augmented reality solution at the moment is Google Glasses. Beta version of Google Glasses has been presented to the audience.

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